As many people will tell you, kids say some of the funniest things. In almost all cases this is thanks to they're unique perspective of the world. My daughter I'm happy to say is no exception to the rule.
First, a little back story. Once we managed to get the word out to friends and family that we were going to have a second child we started telling our daughter that she would be a big sister. As with most girls her age,
(insert name of large animation company here) princesses are a big part of her life. She always wants to play with Ariel, Jasmine, or some other princess. So, when we asked her what we should name the baby she told us that we should name it Ariel. We followed up with the natural question most adults would ask "What if it's a boy?" My daughter simply responded that it was not a boy, it was a girl. To her, there was no "if", the baby in mom's tummy
was a girl.
For a few months her response was the same when we asked what to name the baby. It changed a bit when we came up with a first name that we liked, but Ariel simply became the middle name. Her response on if it was a boy was still the same. "It's not a boy. It's a girl!" Nothing could change her mind. Until one day we must have gotten through to her that it might possibly be a boy, because when she was asked the question of what we should name the baby if it were a boy she answered without reservation "Shark".
Ever since that moment she seems to have accepted the fact that there is a chance that she might have a baby brother. So I guess at this point I should ask the somewhat obvious question:
What middle name goes with Shark?