Saturday, July 08, 2006

Home Safe and Sound

Just a couple of quick status updates from the slightly larger family.

First of all, thank you to everyone that has sent their congratulations. It's great to celebrate something like this with all our family and friends.

We're all home safe and sound. I went up to the hospitol and picked up mom and Shark early this afternoon. Monkey is starting to realize what it is to be a big sister already. With the center of attention shifted a bit from directly on her to the new arrival she's starting to point out all the stuff she can do.

For anyone looking for pictures, please email me directly since I don't publish any of them here. On a related note, I've updated our ofoto album with some shots from this week.

Thanks again to everyone for all their support.

G'Lori wins the prize

OK, I still haven't figured out if there even is a prize. However, our little guessing game was really close with two entries. Jodie guessed July 7 at 2am and was off by 16 hours and 13 minutes. Not bad, but G'Lori guessed 8:15pm on July 5 and was only off by 14 hours and 32 minutes. Both guessed boys so G'Lori is the big winner of the contest.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

It's a Shark!!!!!

Well everyone, the wait is finally over. Our new baby has arrived. For those of you interested in the vitals, Shark is 8 pounds 1 ounce and 21 inches long and was born at 10:47 this morning.

My wife didn't get much sleep last night and woke me up around 2am because her water broke. I believe my initial response was something like 'mffff?' It's just a bit hazy. After a couple of quick calls it was off to the hospitol. The rest of the morning was "relatively" uneventful. Don't get me wrong, there was plenty that happened, just nothing that will get posted here.

For all expecting fathers (present and future), here's a bit of a PSA: If your wife is fully dialated, do not under any controllable circumstance leave the room. When the nurses are rolling in all the necessary equipment to actually birth the baby, it is not a good time to go anywhere; not even the bathroom. Hold it if you can and stay!

With that said, I stepped out of the room to use the facilities for what must have been less then five minutes. By the time I was half way back to the room I got a page "Would the husband of the woman in room ### please come to the room immediatly!" When I got back to the room eveyone was ready to go and the pushing was about to begin.

Apparently, at that point my son was really in a hurry because there was about 15+ minutes of pushing an out he came. I can't possibly describe the experience, but to say I was happy would be the understatement of the decade.

There's much more that could be said at this point, but I'll mention one more thing before I pass out at the keyboard. Out daughter is in SOOOOOO much trouble. She has no idea :)

FYI: Announcement on the winner of the date guessing contest will be sometime after I wake up.
