Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tomorrow is a Holiday

Arrr! This be a reminder to ye. Tomorrow be a holiday. Talk Like A Pirate Day.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Truffle Recipe

I know at least a few people who have asked me if they can have the recipe for the Oreo Truffles. Absolutely! I found the recipe at Just a couple of notes:

  • You don't need to use the white chocolate. It's just decoration.

  • If you have a small cookie scoop for making cookies, I'd use that to ball the truffle filling. It's SOOOO much easier

  • If you try a flavor other then the regular, use about 1 teaspoon of extract. I think I ended up with a little more then a teaspoon for the raspberry

  • If you are not using a double boiler you can thin the white chocolate with Veggie oil


Monday, September 01, 2008



Well our annual party is over for another year and Autum is on it's way. The above is one of my favorite pics from last night. My daughter and her "pa pa". It seemed like everyone had a nice time. It was certainly one of the easiest parties we've thrown.

It was good to see everyone that we barely get to see every year. It makes me wish that everyone lived closer and we had more time then we do.
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