Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dear Sprint, About that EVO 4G

Dear Sprint,

I just read that you're going to have the new HTC EVO 4G available starting in June. I can't tell you how excited I was. Even though our contract isn't up for another 6 months I was actually considering what it would take to get one. Then I read a few things that will probably keep me from getting one until January if at all.

First of all, I see that you are going to charge and additional $10/month because it's using WiMax. I understand the need for Sprint to make money. However, last I checked, Sprint was loosing customers left and right. So, why not hold off on that extra $10/month charge for a while. Get some customers and make sure you keep them with good customer service and then bring up the $10/month charge when you network has a large number of users.

I also see that you are going to charge $30/month just to use the wifi hotspot. I'm getting extremely tired of cell providers keeping users from and/or charging for tethering. Come up with a reasonable charge for the amount of bandwidth a users consumes and let the consumer use as much as they want with whatever devices they want! Don't hide behind some statement that users that tether will cause too much network congestion. Have appropriate charges and use that additional money to build out your network some more.

Considering the above two points, I can't really justify the additional hassle and cost of getting a new phone until my contract is up.

Sprint, thanks for the last few weeks of hope that you wouldn't be a complete ass. Now it's back to reality.
