There are events in our lives that we forget soon after they happen. Some even though we try hard to remember them. Then there are those events that no matter how hard we try to forget them, they stick with us forever. While some people have a tough time remembering significant dates in their relationship, I’ve been blessed with a computer to remind me when they are coming up. I’m not sure if that counts as remembering. Anyway, today marks a non-milestone anniversary of the first date my wife and I had. It’s fun to think back to that day and how little I knew about our future together and how great it worked out. Hopefully the wife will like the surprise tonight that I got for her. FYI: Yes, I’m a big tease since I know she might be reading this.
I’m hoping that another event today is something I can remember and look back on happily. (note to self, mark calendar in computer). Anyone that knows my daughter fairly well, knows that she’s not a late sleeper. It doesn’t seem to matter if we move her bedtime back. So this morning I was just about ready to take the dog for a walk when I heard the tell tale squeeeeeeeeek of her door opening. Since it doesn’t seem to do any good to send her back to her room to “go back to sleep”, I decided to bring her along to walk the dog. It was nice to spend those few extra minutes with her. Just the two of us and the dog. Apparently it was a big hit with her. So the plan at this point, weather permitting, is to walk the dog together if she’s up before then. I’m certainly not going to wake her up at this point to go, but it’ll be fun if this becomes a regular occurrence.